Before you know it, school will be back in session and that Superman backpack is getting old and won’t work out too well in college. Backpacks are one of the few essentials of school that allows you to show a bit of personality everyday. Here are a couple of bags that are sure to make you the cool kid on campus.
Who doesn’t love the Herchel bag, the cotton canvas and leather accents make for a stylish and more importantly durable bag. The reasonable prices doesn’t hurt either. These bags are popular among college kids, as they even carry tablet and laptop sleeves. With the recent Stussy collaboration, it’s clear that Herchel is making the right moves.
Plan on going hiking or camping in the jungle for a while? Well it doesn’t really matter, as NorthFace has become a staple in middle schools and high schools, and you can’t go far without seeing kids with them strapped to their back. All of the cool kids have them; don’t you want to be a cool kid? (P.S. – the Hotshot is the coolest.)

Jansport backpacks have been around since 1975. Feel old eh? It was probably the bag that you had in elementary school, and if you were lucky you even had the suede bottom. The brand with the infamous burgundy logo and navy background is known for being durable and is a classic brand. Pick one up to be a part of history.
J. Crew Abingdon Messenger
J. Crew is relatively new is the retail world, having its first brick and mortar built in South Street Seaport in 1989.Since, J. Crew has opened a total of 300 stores and is now one of the top specialty retailers. If you’re looking for a more mature look, or plan on taking your bag to the office. A messenger might be the right choice and look for you.
Is money not an option? Or do you just like having high end accessories? Either way, when your personal assistant is holding your MacBook , or it isn’t in your Maybach, this would be a great option for you. This Doberman print canvas is similar to the other animal inspired pieces Givenchy has released. After all, a dog is a man’s best friend, right?
Speedo, ya know, that embarrassing mankini that your dad wears? They also make some pretty solid backpacks, that won’t break the bank. You may not be able to win gold medals like Phelps and Lochte, but you can sport some of the products that they endorse. And it’s pretty obvious, who can make a better water resistant bag, than a company who has made millions off of bathing suits.
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